Georgetown Early Settlers


Adams – Bailey – Bartlett – Boynton – Bradstreet – Braman – Brockelbank – Burbank Burpee – Carleton – Chandler – Clark – Dodge – Dole – Dresser – Goodrich – Harriman Herbert – Jewett – Jackman – Jewett – Raynor – Mighill – Plumer – Little Low – Lull – Merrills – Moses – Moody – Nelsons – Perley – Pingree – Poor – Savory Searle – Spofford – Tenney – Tidd

John Spofford was among the original settlers in Rowley, having come from England with with the Rev. Ezekial Rogers in 1638. After thirty years in comparative safety and civilization John Spofford at the age of 50, his wife and their nine children undertook the move six miles westward and became Georgetown's first permanent settlers.

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© Georgetown Historical Society 2015